RS-100: Fiber Reinforced Structural Alumina Composite

July 7, 2021

Refractory Sheet Type RS-100 is available in 48 x 48 in. boards as a standard size. RS-100 is a fiber-reinforced structural Alumina composite with useful thermal, structural, and electrical insulating properties. These boards are also useful in the transport of molten non-ferrous metals to 2,300?F. 


RS-100 has compressive and flexural strength in the range of high-temperature reinforced plastics such as G-10 laminates but retains its strength and utility far exceeding the maximum use of these materials. The mechanical properties of RS-100 exceed those of all calcium-silicate materials and asbestos cement materials over all temperature ranges. RS-100 makes an excellent replacement for rigid asbestos-containing products and can be employed at much higher temperatures.RS-100 is 100% inorganic, non-flammable, and contains no asbestos. 


This material's high Alumina content makes RS-100 highly resistant to many environments, including non-ferrous metals, and it undergoes no out-gassing upon heating. RS-100 is not brittle and has high-impact properties. RS-100 may be cut and machined with standard tooling.

  • Excellent Electrical Properties
  • High Strength
  • High Alumina Content
  • Chemical Resistant
  • Fully Machinable
  • Non RCF


Typical Composition, %    Al2O3




   Other Metal Oxides, %


   Organic Content , %


Density, gm/cm3 (lb/ft3)

2.1 (130)

Porosity, %



White to Tan



Max Use Temperature*,C (F)

1260 (2300)

Melting Point, C (F)

1500 (2732)

Modulus of Rupture**, MPa (psi)    as Received

55 (8000)

   after 4 hrs at 600°C (1112°F)

36 (5200)

Compressive Strength**, MPa (psi)    at 2% Compression

69 (10,000)

Specific Heat, J/kg K (BTU/lb°F)    at 600°C (1100°F)

1172 (0.28)

Thermal Expansion,    RT- 400°C (752°F)

6.0 x 10-6/C (3.3 x10-6/F)

Linear Shrinkage^, %    after 4 hrs. at 1,200°C (2,200°F)

1 – 2

Moisture Content, % at 105°C (220°F)

0 – 2

Loss on Ignition, % at 982°C (1,800°F)

1 – 2

Hardness, Durometer “D”


Electrical Properties, Volume Resistivity, ohm-cm

7.2 x 1011

Surface Resistance, ohms

2.3 x 1011

Dielectric Strength, Volts/mil


Breakdown Voltage, kV    (1/8-in. thick piece)


Arc Resistance, sec.


Thermal Conductivity**,    W/m K (BTU/ ft2  °F/in)    200°C (392°F)

0.634 (4.40)

   400°C (752°F)

0.636 (4.41)

   600°C (1,112°F)

0.638 (4.42)

   800°C (1,472°F)

0.638 (4.44)

   1000°C (1,832°F)

0.643 (4.46)

   1200°C (2,192°F)

0.648 (4.50)