Heating Blanket for Advanced Composites

Feb. 23, 2021
Veelo's heating blankets are highly drapable and provide uniform heating coverage across large and geometrically complex surface areas.

With their patented and innovative heating blanket solutions, Veelo Technologies helps composite rotor blade manufacturers and repair facilities keep blades out of the oven (OoO). Veelo’s heating blankets can be tailored for use in debulking and bonding applications and can be used in-situ, eliminating the need to transport long and bulky rotor blades to an oven. Eliminating that transportation step helps improve build and repair rates while reducing scrap.


Due to their uniquely flexible and pliable design, the heating blankets are highly drapable and provide uniform heating coverage across the large and geometrically complex surface areas found on rotor blades. Veelo heating blankets easily accommodate custom shapes and large tools with minimal or few bridging issues. They are durable and damage resistant and are offered in an optional FKM-based heater system for high performance and material compatibility.


Veelo heating blankets are controlled by the VeeloHEAT Controller, a cost-effective solution capable of controlling systems that can be adapted to the end-use application with 16 or more output channels. The digital IoT controller can store data and receive updates locally or via the cloud and is highly customizable.


VeeloHEAT is currently used by the aerospace composites industry to bond multi-million-dollar composite aerostructures, accelerating adhesive cure, composite repair, improving heated debulk processes, and heated tooling.

  • VeeloHEAT Blanket is a non-metallic heating solution for advanced composite applications that demand excellent thermal uniformity, drapability, and durability.
  • 24-month-old technology that has been selected for major DoD production programs to bond multi-million dollar composite aerostructures. Helped customer reduce adhesive cure cycle-time from 24 to 2 hrs.  


Material OptionsSilicone, Reinforced Silicone, Viton
Temperature Ranges100 to 400°F
Maximum Size (inches)24x72 Single Zone
60x96 Multizone
Customizable by geometry
Thickness1.5 mm – For Maximum Drapability
3 mm – With Fiberglass Reinforcement for Maximum Durability
Viton – For Clean Room Requirements
Power Density (W/in2)2–30
Input Power24 to 480 VDC



  • Lightweight, uniform heating solution for advanced composites 
  • Enables durable, lightweight, damage-tolerant and low-power ice protection systems
  • Tailored heating, density, areal weight, and thickness
  • Composite repair blankets
  • Heated debulks
  • Cleanroom elevated tool heating
  • Autoclave cycle time reduction
  • Electrically efficient, fast heating and cooling
  • Highly uniform across large surface areas 
  • Conformable to complex curvature parts, such as engine inlets
  • Fatigue resistant 
  • Custom shapes
  • Can be trimmed to fit
  • Scalable for large tools


  • Out of autoclave and out of oven processing
  • Composite repair
  • Bonding aerostructures
  • Accelerating adhesive cure
  • Elevated tool heating — replacing heat gun
  • Improving debulk & compaction
  • Heated cauls