Alora Machine Intelligence Platform

May 6, 2021
Alora, a machine intelligence platform integrates with ECI's ERP software to let users connect data directly with real-time machine performance.

Alora, a machine intelligence platform by Data Inventions, Inc., integrates with ECI's JobBOSS, M1, and Macola ERP software to let users connect data directly with real-time machine performance to create visibility at an actionable level.


Alora allows machine operators and managers to connect using simple, intuitive interfaces that help them prevent errors from occurring and avert defects throughout the production process. Automated systems analyze data in real-time and trigger actions that help reduce downtime, prevent the chances of failure and improve output delivery.


Through this integration, users are better equipped to:

  • Gain machine data insights: Get better control and understanding into when machines are running, how long they are running for, and when they are up for scheduled maintenance, increasing the chances of detecting machine failures before they happen.
  • Improve Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE): Enhance manufacturing productivity and quality by measuring, recognizing, and improving how the shop functions.
  • Decrease downtime: Automatically analyze data in real-time and trigger actions that prevent failures, reduce costs and improve outputs.

Since Alora integrated with ECI’s JobBOSS in March 2020, JobBOSS users have seen machine utilization improvements of up to 20% in just 90 days. The integration will also be available for JobBOSS2, ECI’s cloud-native ERP for job shops and make-to-order manufacturers, in Summer 2021.


To learn more about machine health monitoring with Alora, watch this video.