Submit an Abstract First: While we will look at unsolicited articles, our preference is for potential contributors to submit an abstract or short description of the key points that the article will focus on. This helps ensure that the article will be appropriate to our editorial needs, and the interests of our readers.
New Equipment Digest accepts exclusive and non-exclusive articles for publication. Exclusive articles or columns should not have already appeared elsewhere, even on the author’s own website. Additionally, only exclusive articles are able to appear in print issues of New Equipment Digest.
Please attach the article as a Word document. Send it to Editor-in-Chief Laura Davis at [email protected]
Final decisions on acceptance will be made only upon seeing a completed article. Articles/columns are accepted or rejected at the sole discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. If your article is accepted, you will be required to sign a contributors' agreement.
If your pitch seems like a good fit for us, you will hear from us within four weeks; most likely sooner.
Articles accepted for publication will appear on and may also appear in various newsletters.
Subject Matter: New Equipment Digest accepts contributed content that revolves around new, innovative equipment, products, and solutions as well as equipment trends in the manufacturing and industrial industry and is of interest to our audience which includes engineers and plant managers at manufacturing companies ranging from a few employees to 100,000+.
Our readers are looking for information on how to solve problems and how to make their plants or processes more efficient with the latest manufacturing products and solutions on the market.
Our readers are looking for in-depth information on equipment: What is it, how does it benefit them, how do they implement it, how does it change their daily operations, what applications/industry is it for, what were the driving forces behind the development of the equipment, etc. All equipment claims should be supported with use cases and evidence.
Additionally, we also accept general educational pieces about the basics of different manufacturing equipment as well as how-to's and equipment tips.
Please try to write conversationally. This is not a white paper.
There is no charge for having an article posted but we only post articles that we accept for publication.
Word Count: Generally, 800 to 1,400 words. (Please contact [email protected] for print specifications)
Deadlines: Don’t worry about this. We are constantly looking for good material. However, if you’d like a deadline, we are happy to provide one.
Editing: Contributed copy is subject to editing by the managing editor, who has the final say. That said, she will work with the author to reach a mutually agreeable final version.
Style: We use the Associated Press style, with a few small exceptions. If you are not familiar with AP style, just be aware that some capitalization, spelling, punctuation, and references may be edited to conform with AP style.
Attribution: We fact-check our contributed pieces. Please clearly state where any outside facts in the article come from, either within the article or through a hyperlink in the text. Attribution should be the original source, not a secondary source that mentions the statistic. We will remove any backlinks in the article body to any promotional/non-verified sources.
Bio and Headshot: If the author is new to New Equipment Digest, please include a headshot (dimensions at least 375x375 pixels and 72 dpi) and an author bio. If submitting a case study, the byline can be the company. For all other articles, please submit an author.
Art or Graphics: You are not required to submit art with the story; however, if you have good photos, charts or graphics that help tell a story, we will consider using them. High-resolution photos are preferred, but they should at least be 500 x 500 pixels and 72 dpi.
To Get You Started:
Here's a handful of a few examples of strong contributed articles to give you an idea of what we're looking for:
What Generative Design Is and Why It's the Future of Manufacturing
8 Essential Electrical Measurements for Every Industrial Plant
Deep Learning Spreads Automated Inspection to Assemblies, Packaging, and Kitting
Key Technology Trends for Pneumatic Valve Systems
SCARA Robots: The Next Move Towards Automation
Why AR Should be Considered for the ‘New Normal’ Workplace
Updated 8/24/2023