Patagonia Smart Station

May 19, 2021
Galileo Patagonia Smart Fueling Station, targeted at logistics centers and service stations, guarantees LCNG fast filling.

The latest version of the Galileo Patagonia Smart Station for Liquefied to Compressed Natural Gas (LCNG) is an innovative solution that accelerates the expansion of ‘Alternative Fuels Corridors’ dedicated to all kinds of natural gas vehicles (NGVs). Its plug-and-play configuration and reduced physical footprint enable fueling stations to be installed quickly and easily with the simple addition of a concrete pad. The Patagonia is a cost-effective and profitable solution for fleets, logistics centers, multi-fuel convenience stores, and travel plazas, among other locations.


The Patagonia Station delivers a fill rate of 3.2 GGE (Gas Gallon Equivalents) of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) per minute for light-duty and utility vehicles. Its versatile configuration can also dispense high-flow and fast-fill CNG, as well as LNG, for medium and heavy-duty trucks. In addition to its own standard built-in hose, the station is equipped to add dispensers at fueling bays or separate docks so that multiple vehicles can be fueled simultaneously.


The Patagonia greatly simplifies fueling with a prepaid terminal that eliminates the need for the driver to pay cash, use a credit card or rely on cellphones’ connectivity for payment apps. For fleet owners, the station provides online, real-time reports on fuel availability and dispensed quantities of LCNG to ensure a firm and continuous supply of fuel delivered over the road via Galileo’s Virtual Pipeline.


It can be thought of as a smart LCNG vending machine as it provides a comprehensive solution including fueling equipment, installation, maintenance, storage systems, and LNG supply.


The compact and modular design of the Patagonia reduces the amount of space required for installation by as much as 80%. Its single skid-mounted package eliminates the need for on-site LNG pumps, vaporizers, cooling systems, and compressors in separate modules. The dispensing unit and its 19,000-gallon LNG storage tank can all fit within 1,500 ft2, far less space than required for comparable LCNG stations providing the same fueling performance.

  • Installation, maintenance, and LNG supply to ensure efficiency anywhere with no additional worries.
  • Supply through a Virtual Gas Pipeline, filling stations anywhere stand-alone from gas mains.
  • Compact and modular design
  • Fast-fill CNG
  • Can dispense high flow and fast-fill CNG, as well as LNG, for medium and heavy-duty trucks.
  • Pre-paid system