High Power IR Waveplates

March 24, 2021

Meller Sapphire Waveplates change the polarization state of a laser beam from linear to circular and vise versa to extend polarization control into the infrared; beyond fused silica optical waveplates. Custom manufactured in sizes from 10 to 30 mm in “A” or “M” plane configurations, their crystallographic orientation and location are fully validated on an in-house X-Ray Goniometer to assure the highest possible accuracy.


Featuring Mohs 9 hardness which is second only to diamond, Meller Sapphire Waveplates are highly resistant to chemicals, scratching, shock, and temperature fluctuations. Manufactured as thin as 0.5 mm and < 25 mm dia. with transmitted wavefront of up to ?/10 @6.32.8 nm, they are A/R coated on both sides and provide ?/4 and ?/2 retardation with tolerances of > ?/300 @632 µm, > ?/400 @1.06 µm, and > ?/1000 @2.94 µm.

Diameter6.0 to 50.0 mmThickness75 microns to 1.50 mm depending on diameterTransmitted Wavefront Error? / 10 @ 0.632 µm over the clear apertureSurface Quality10-5 scratch-dig per MIL-PRF-13830 over the clear apertureParallelism1.0 arc seconds maximumClear Aperturecentral 85% of the diameterRetardation Tolerance? / 200 to ? / 1200 depending on wavelength