Robotic Product Sortation

Dec. 15, 2021
To increase throughput of existing fulfillment operations, Berkshire Grey's Robotic Product Sortation picks, sorts, and packs individual items.

Using AI and machine learning software with advanced machine vision, sensors, gripping technologoy, and other material handling components, the next generation Robotic Product Sortation (RPS) solution is for scalable, touchless order fulfillment. This high-capacity automation solution robotically picks, sorts, and packs individual items into outbound order containers without the need for operator interaction. The latest version RPS includes a host of new features, including a unique dual wing design that increases speed by over 25% and doubles the simultaneous order processing capacity. This approach augments human labor to provide additional order processing capacity in existing operations and facilitates lights-out warehouse operations.


RPS systems easily integrate into existing operations to process growing eCommerce and less-than-case order volumes. The systems are compatible with a broad range of products, packaging, and order types including electronics, packaged food, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and other merchandise items.


The RPS solution is a fully integrated system powered by BG’s core AI-enabled Software Platform that underpins all of Berkshire Grey’s robotic automation solutions. The BG RPS solution delivers SKU coverage, real-time picking accuracy, and reliable autonomous throughput that enables distribution centers to double their order processing capacity without adding labor.

  • Increase throughput of existing fulfillment operations by up to 2X without adding labor
  • Improve shipment capacity and container cube utilization by up to 10%
  • Integrate order processing with automated storage and retrieval systems to maximize the ROI from automation designed primarily for storage
  • Scale processing in an orchestrated fashion across multiple BG RPS systems
  • Operate with maximum flexibility by combining and coordinating BG RPS processing with operator inducted BG Robotic Shuttle Product Sortation (BG RSPS) systems
  • Install into existing operations with a small footprint
  • Support configurable order container sizes and batches