Simplify Safety Management

Sept. 2, 2020
VelocityEHS's safety platform enables small and mid-sized manufacturers to manage key tasks during critical events, such as COVID-19 and beyond.

Provide manufacturers with easier ways to complete important and challenging safety management tasks during COVID-19 and long after, the Safety Management Solution platform provides the support necessary to simplify the key aspects of safety.


Quick and easy access to critical safety data drives better decision making. Dashboards provide the most important actionable safety indicators at-a-glance to save time. Users can create custom reports and schedule them for distribution to the right people while spending less time responding to information requests.


Improving employee buy-in begins with visibility and follow through. Employees are better equipped to easily report workplace incidents, near misses, and hazards anywhere, using any mobile device. They can also schedule safety meetings, track action items, and conduct Job Safety Analyses (JSAs) on the fly.


Users can more easily confirm they are meeting regulatory responsibilities like OSHA’s Hazard Communication (HazCom) and Recordkeeping Standards. Safety professionals can provide employees fast, online access to safety data sheets (SDSs); quickly and easily generate OSHA Forms 300, 300A, and 301; and even create files for direct submission to OSHAs Injury Tracking Application (ITA).

  • Safety Data Sheet Access: Make companywide SDS right-to-know access and site-specific chemical inventory management simple and easy with VelocityEHS’ MSDSonline Chemical Management system.
  • Job Safety Analysis: Systematically and easily complete JSAs—also known as a job hazard analysis (JHA)—to analyze a job for hazards, prioritize risks for follow-up, and assign responsibilities.
  • Incident Management: Document and investigate all types of workplace incidents, including near hits and recordable illnesses and injuries, maintain OSHA logs, and easily complete and submit electronic 300A injury and illness summary reports—all with online and offline mobile capabilities.
  • Inspections: Create and deploy specialized checklists for facilities and operations, and complete them from anywhere using a mobile device. Easily schedule inspections and assign follow-up actions.
  • Safety Meetings: Easily schedule and track meetings, assign meeting roles, log meeting minutes for easy reference, streamlines recordkeeping and email distribution, carry-over pending topics and agendas, and track action items.
  • Action Management: Capture actions generated from incident investigations, inspections, safety meetings, or JSAs in a centralized location on the cloud, enabling easy access and reporting. Notify stakeholders of assigned roles and send automatic notifications when actions are coming due or past due.
  • Dashboards and Interactive Reports: Access to key safety metrics anytime and anywhere to drive better decision making. Create customized reports and schedule distribution to ensure they reach the right people.