Amesphere Safety-as-a-Service Platform

Jan. 5, 2023
AME's safety-as-a-service, cloud-based platform uses data and real-time information to avoid collisions and provide peace of mind site-wide.

A new era in safety technology “Amesphere", enables everybody to create a safer space through technology by being the ultimate innovation to enhance protection and provide the perfect balance between safety and efficiency in the workplace.


Amesphere is a safety-as-a-service, cloud-based platform that uses data and real-time information to avoid collisions, allow vehicles and people to work safely together, and provide complete peace of mind for operators and management. It's effortless to install and uses centimeter precision anti-collision technology. Ultra-versatile and readily adaptable to the unique needs of all workplace environments, Amesphere will create a new frontier for workplace safety.

More information to come once Amesphere has debuted at ProMat 2023.