Custom Modular Knife Assembly

Sept. 21, 2020

Capable of cutting a diverse selection of flexible materials, the modular designed knife assembly was strengthened and designed to cut 9-in. wide nickel-chromium alloy from a roll.


The roll of material is loaded onto a cantilever design unwind which features a particle brake with manual tension adjustment. The material is pulled off the unwind and travels under an idle roller and straight into the nip rollers.  Adjustable side guides and collars on the idle roller assist in keeping the material straight. An FG-250 heavy-duty guillotine knife assembly cuts the material to specified lengths. 


The modular designed knife assembly includes D2 heat-treated tool steel blades and is pneumatically operated, requiring 2.75 to 3 Bar [40 to 60psi] of regulated air pressure. An operator control panel is provided which includes an HMI color touch screen for easy setup and operation of the unit. A common baseplate ensures the correct alignment of all components. The baseplate is mounted to a rugged design adjustable equipment stand.