Color and 3D Topography Analyzer

Sept. 23, 2020

Measuring color and gloss, as well as analyzing the 3D topography of the surface texture, the spectro2profiler makes an overall judgment by taking all 3 parameters into consideration at the same time.


The spectro2profiler uses a circumferential illumination at 45-deg. with 0-deg. viewing. BYK's LED technology guarantees outstanding performance. The extra-large measurement spot with homogenous illumination guarantees highly repeatable and representative readings.


Additionally, the spectro2profiler provides a 2D camera-based reflectivity measurement for structured surfaces. The perceived depth of a leather-like surface is dependent on the reflection behavior on the hills and valleys. Therefore, a 2D reflectivity measurement is aligned with the 3D image data to separate the reflection of hills and valleys. The measurement parameter, reflectivity contrast Rc, is an ideal measure for production QC of injection or slush molded parts. To compare historical data, the instrument also measures traditional 60° gloss according to international standards.


The spectro2profiler can be used to objectively analyze structures of different applications by using specific algorithms: leather-like for injection or slush molded parts—coarse paint for powder coatings—fine for plastic parts or fine-textured paint. The large color touchscreen with an icon-based menu ensures an intuitive operation as known from your smartphone. An integrated camera shows a live preview of the measurement spot.


A powerful standard management is included which allows defining Pass/Fail tolerances for all three parameters. Measurement results are simultaneously displayed in a data table and a variety of graphs highlighting the samples being out of specification. The 2D/3D analysis is supported with color-coded images to visualize the measurement data for ease of interpretation.