Automated, Smart Disinfection

Oct. 9, 2020

Purpose-built to autonomously disinfect high-traffic areas such as warehouse facilities, retail stores, office spaces, and hospital rooms, SmartGuardUV combines the safety and flexibility of the Fetch Robotics cloud robotics platform, the strength of PURO Lighting’s pulsed Xenon UV fixtures, powered by Violet Defense, and the advanced disinfecting reporting of the Piedmont 4Site cloud analytics platform. The result is a completely autonomous, broad-spectrum UV disinfection robot that eliminates up to 99.9% of viruses and bacteria with UV-C, UV-B, and UV-A as well as reports on the results of the disinfection.


SmartGuardUV leverages comprehensive mapping technology and 3D camera vision to autonomously direct broad-spectrum UV light from a pulsed Xenon lamp—the most comprehensive UV-based disinfecting technology worldwide— to disinfect priority areas within a facility. PURO Lighting’s innovative pulsed Xenon UV lamp fixture, powered by Violet Defense technology, enables the miniaturization of high intensity, targeted UV light that requires as little as 90 seconds to disinfect a 10-ft workstation and as little as six minutes to disinfect priority areas of a personal office. The pulsed Xenon UV lamp technology used in SmartGuardUV AMRs has been tested by independent accredited third-party testing labs and is registered with the EPA.


Built on Fetch’s cloud-based robotics platform, SmartGuardUV can autonomously map and navigate throughout a facility, enter the desired space, activate the pulsed UV light for targeted, comprehensive disinfection, reposition in the space for maximum coverage, disinfect, and then move to the next space without any human intervention. The robot’s built-in motion sensor for automatic shut-off prevents unnecessary UV exposure, and facility managers can customize the AMR’s schedules and disinfecting paths, even remotely, as facility needs change. SmartGuardUV has an optional real-time dashboard that provides actionable insights and reporting of disinfection data including date, time, location, disinfection duration, cleaning performance, and photographic evidence of the disinfection or what prevented the robot from doing the disinfection.