EP36FR B-Staged Epoxy Meets Airbus Standards

Sept. 19, 2020

Master Bond EP36FR is a specialized one-part epoxy that meets Airbus specifications for toxic gas emissions per AITM 3.0005, Issue 2 in the flaming mode and Section 7.4 of ABD0031, Issue F. It also passes the 12-second vertical burn test per AITM 2.0002B and Section 7.1.2 of ABD0031, Issue F. EP36FR uses a non-halogenated filler.


EP36FR withstands rigorous thermal cycling, as well as thermal and mechanical shocks. It has excellent high-temperature resistance up to 500°F, despite a low glass transition temperature of 95 to 100°F. This system maintains its toughness or hardness across a wide temperature range and is ideal for potting, encapsulation, sealing as well as coating applications. The hardness values at 212°F and 300°F are in the 20-30 Shore D range.


The EP36FR formulation is B-staged, meaning it is a solid at room temperature and must be heated in a forced air or convection oven to transform it to a liquid at around 200°F. This feature allows it to be reused when it resolidifies at room temperature, provided it has not been cured. After liquefying the product at 200°F, and applying it on the substrates in the application, it needs to be heat cured for 2 to 3 hours at 350°F.


Master Bond EP36FR bonds well to metals, composites, glass, and many plastics.