Automate Nozzle Welding

Aug. 25, 2020


Pemamek’s advanced robotic welding solutions are based on easy-to-use programming software and control system making them a perfect fit for dynamic one-off production, such as heavy industries, shipbuilding, and offshore industries. One of Pemamek’s latest R&D breakthroughs is the complete robotic welding solution for pressure vessel nozzles. The revolutionary solution automates the nozzle welding process which is traditionally welded by hand due to the multi-pass nature of the weld including many starts, stops, and frequent positioning. The automation reduces defect rates while saving manual welding hours significantly.


PEMA Nozzle welding solution is a revolutionary system to increase the efficiency of pressure vessel production. Designed with flexibility and simplicity in mind, the solution is optimal for heavy-duty workpieces that contain thick plates and large, prepared grooves. The solution enables the automatic creation of robotic welding programs based on laser-scanned groove geometry.