Preventative Maintenance Service

June 26, 2020

Designed to assist with inspection system maintenance, Preventative Maintenance Service monitors and maintains inspection systems remotely during normal operation. The service helps reduce operator costs and ensure that system performance remains at an optimum level, allowing work to be scheduled in advance, rather than waiting for problems to occur.


A systems specialist will check the system at regular intervals, then send a report highlighting maintenance issues, potential problems, and recommended solutions.


This means action can be taken before serious problems–including equipment failure–arise, with significant benefits, including:

  • Reduced system downtime
  • Fewer part failures
  • Less maintenance time
  • Consistent inspection performance


In addition, the latest software settings for the system will be backed up for fast recovery in case of a PC failure. The Preventative Maintenance Service is offered at fixed intervals of one month or three months and requires no downtime of the inspection systems or production line. It operates over a secure Bomgar network connection that safeguards company data and is easy to set up.