Mobile Data Collection in the Field

Feb. 7, 2020

Leica Zeno Mobile is a complete tool for data capture with the simplicity of an Android app. With an outstandingly intuitive way of data collection, managing assets has never been so simple.


Despite the slim and cleaned-up user interface, Zeno Mobile comes with rich functionalities:

  • Define features directly on the fly within seconds or generate the Zeno Mobile structure in the office based on a simple spreadsheet.
  • Make sure your measured data always matches your quality expectations (up to centimeters with RTK) as the Zeno Mobile notifications steadily monitor the system parameters. Record your position accuracy directly in the feature’s attributes and save comprehensive meta data – only revisable data is good data!
  • The first app in the market that can measure multiple features with only a single measurement. This saves time and assures topologic requirements.
  • Thanks to the embedded Hexagon Imagery Program, you benefit of a high-quality and consistent aerial imagery database.
  • Navigate and stakeout points and lines in its easiest way – don’t orientate against north, just follow the arrows and graphics obtained by the sensors of the Zeno 20 by making use of the “Zeno Mobile-style” Stakeout which is another unique feature.
  • No more struggle to access hard-to-reach and dangerous points (highways, rivers, dams) by utilizing DISTO™S910-gamtec. Zeno Mobile is able to overcome limitations of GNSS in obstructed areas (tree canopy, urban canyon)
  • Export collected data to the PC as shape files, ASCII or KMZ, either in classic way via cable or USB or using the cloud with Dropbox.
  • Frequent updates about new functionality and improvements on Zeno Mobile can be conveniently received over-the-air as known from other Android apps.