World's First Autonomous Snow Blower

Jan. 18, 2020
Roboworx's AI-powered snow blower does not require human interaction or control.

Snowbo is the world's fully first autonomous snowblower with a weatherproof docking station.


Snowbo is an AI-powered snowblower that does not require human interaction or control. The robot uses weather forecasts, which it downloads from the cloud, to determine when and how long it goes outside to work. Unlike its human counterparts, Snowbo does not experience fatigue or the shock of colder temperatures. It starts to clear driveways as soon as the snow begins to fall, and continues to keep these spaces clean during and after winter storms.


Snowbo has the sensors and intelligence to stay out of trouble and the provided security alarm will notify you if it's removed from your driveway.


Snowbo is available for pre-order on today.