clipx WIRE Assist Wire Processing Workstation

Nov. 28, 2023

2023 NED Innovation Award Finalist

Control cabinet and panel builders can increase wire processing productivity and quality with the clipx WIRE assist system. The customizable system includes a software program and an optional adjustable workbench with a variety of accessories.


The clipx WIRE assist software increases wire processing productivity and improves consistency. The software controls the wire-cutting and labeling devices, guiding the user through clear onscreen instructions on a laptop or touchscreen. The program can be used with the CUTFOX 10 wire cutting machine, the THERMOMARK ROLL series printers, the CF3000 wire stripper and ferrule crimper, and the CF500 ferrule and lugs crimping machine. 


The optional workbench is an ergonomic and efficient workstation that keeps everything a panel builder needs within reach. The technician can quickly adjust the tabletop’s height and easily maneuver the mounted machines. The workbench also features wire spool rods or mounting shelves for quick access to most wires needed to complete the task at hand.


The clipx WIRE assist system is customizable, making it suitable for use as a standard shop bench or a flexible workbench.

  • Convenient in application with intuitive user interfaces and simple data retrieval from CAE programs
  • High process reliability through software-supported conductor preparation with direct device control
  • Efficiency and flexibility increased with mobile application options and optimum positioning of hand tools, automatic tools, and printing systems