Take Design Quality to New Levels

Feb. 28, 2019

Shops that need a highly efficient digital solution to surface texturing for product design and mold making will gain new levels of design quality and productivity with the AgieCharmilles LASER S series. This all-in-one texturing solution applies designs to challenging surfaces while it controls cost per part, cuts lead and machining times and significantly improves quality. Benchmarking tests show that in a single setup, the LASER S series not only reduces the risk of human error, it also slashes fine surface-texturing time for a wider range of parts and applications.


As part of the digital transformation in manufacturing, the AgieCharmilles LASER S series provides a fully digital solution to the limitations of conventional and manual surface texturing methods to reduce quality deviations without additional machining processes. On the tenth anniversary of the introduction of the AgieCharmilles LASER family, the LASER S makes difficult-to-realize designs easy to generate for more creative freedom and faster time to market, especially in industries such as automotive, information, and communications technology (ICT) and packaging.


The AgieCharmilles LASER S series debuts February 27, 2019, in Asia, reaches Europe in March and the North American market in April.