Lightweight Vacuum Gripper

Dec. 21, 2018

The size and weight of the new CVGL vacuum grippers from COVAL make them the lightest and most compact range in the market. The strict regime meets the expectations of manufacturers who rely on vacuum handling technology for their products and packaging.


By reducing the weight and bulk of its vacuum chambers, COVAL enables integrators and manufacturers to incorporate them into robots with lower payloads. This translates into significant savings in terms of investment and operating costs. The evolution has also occurred at the design level, resulting in a range of vacuum chambers with simplified lines. All connections are now carried out on top, completely freeing the sidewalls and guaranteeing greater ease of use, for example in boxing/unboxing applications.


Despite the reduced size and weight, the CVGL is not a light version of the predecessor CVG range. They retain all the advantages of a modular range of vacuum grippers: 3 standard lengths (424, 624 and 824 mm, or custom-made to suit the application), 3 gripping interface technologies (foam, suction cups and COVAL-flex), 3 suction flow rates, integrated or external generator.