Electronic Product Catalogs

Dec. 10, 2018

The CADENAS download portals PARTcommunity and BIMcatalogs.net provide engineers, architects, and planners millions of 3D CAD & 3D BIM CAD models of Electronic Product Catalogs from component manufacturers.


Through a recent partnership with C3D Labs, PARTcommunity and BIMcatalogs.net now support CAD models in the C3D kernel format developed by C3D Labs. Designers who use C3D-based CAD software can access models in native format and integrate them in their projects without data loss.


CADENAS hosts certified product catalogs from over 700 renowned manufacturers. CADENAS’ download portals let designers download models and specifications in a variety of exchange and native CAD formats, now including C3D.


CAD models in the C3D format are now available for downloading from the following CADENAS sites:

  • Renga available on www.BIMcatalogs.net for the architecture and building industries.
  • KOMPAS-3D available on www.partcommunity.com for mechanical and electrical design.


To import models in C3D format, the user’s software must be able to read .c3d files. At present, KOMPAS-3D v18 mechanical CAD and the Renga series of BIM applications meet the requirement.