High-Volume 3D Printer

Nov. 16, 2018
Velo3D's production level 3D printer enables users to design products with overhangs lower than 5-deg.

Setting a new bar for metal additive manufacturing, the Sapphire system uniquely enables engineers to realize designs with overhangs lower than 5-deg., as well as large inner diameters without supports. A Laser Powder Bed Fusion system, its innovative design is built around ground-breaking process insights. As a result, Sapphire is capable of building complex geometries considered impossible with conventional metal additive manufacturing systems, while delivering consistent, reliable, and cost-effective performance, reducing cost per part by 30-70%.

The Sapphire system is designed from the ground up with high volume manufacturing in mind. It comprises a 315 mm diameter by 400 mm height build envelope, with high throughput dual laser operation. To deliver superior part-to-part consistency, integrated in-situ process metrology enables first-of-a-kind closed loop melt pool control.


With its first-of-its-kind, closed-loop melt pool control processing, the system reduces build deformations and ensures tight part-to-part tolerances, enabling production consistency. Every build includes a comprehensive Intelligent Fusion report providing system information and metrology data, while uptime is increased by greater than 10% over traditional systems by reducing setup, changeover times, and scheduled maintenance. Sapphire also provides end-to-end support from site preparation, installation, qualification, training, service, to pre and post-build application support, plus a full suite of remote, on-site, and web portal support services.


To maximize productivity, the system comprises a module to enable automated change-over, so a new print can start without operator involvement within 15 minutes.


  • Large ø315 mm, z-axis 400 mm build envelope
  • Dual 1kW laser operation
  • Available materials: IN718, Ti6Al4V
  • Zero-contact recoater increases yield
  • Integrated in-situ process metrology enabling closedloop melt pool control
  • Sub-10 ppm O2 atmospheric control
  • Automation module to enable build changeover without operator involvement within 15 minutes
  • Evergreen powder management solution with automated changeover and offline unpacking
  • Service response time insurance
  • Class 1 Laser Product


Enabling Critical Part Designs 

  • Overhangs down to 5° angles without supports
  • Large unsupported inner diameters of 40 mm
  • Minimum feature size and wall thickness below 250 microns 
  • Available materials: IN718, Ti6Al4V


Product Development Acceleration

  • Physics-aware print preparation software
  • Expanded design envelope
  • Typically a 3 to 5 fold reduction in support volume
  • Fewer print iterations
  • Resulting in up to 90% first pass success
  • Simple or no post processing


Unprecedented Consistency and Quality

  • In-situ process metrology
  • Closed-loop melt pool control
  • Surface finish: <3 µm SA
  • Improved part-to-part consistency


Lowest Cost Per Part

  • Typical throughput: > 60 cm3 /hour of IN718
  • Cost Per Part: < 50% of alternative
  • 24/7 operation on single operator
  • Automated changeover module
  • Offline unpacking