Hard-Coated Bypass Filters

Nov. 10, 2018

TECHSPEC Hard Coated OD 4.0 5nm Bandpass Filters provide the high transmission and deep rejection necessary to isolate narrow spectral regions for use in a wide variety of applications. 


TECHSPEC Hard Coated OD 4.0 5nm Bandpass Filters exhibit a narrow 5nm Full-Width Half Max (FWHM), making them ideal for laser line clean-up applications. They allow for improved signal-to-noise ratio when compared to those achievable with wider band filters and may also be used in elemental or laser line separation, chemical detection, or fluorescence applications. These precision bandpass filters offer 80-50 surface quality and center wavelengths from 343nm to 1064nm, covering 2nd and 3rd harmonic Nd:YLF and Nd:YAG lasers, diode lasers, and HeNe lasers. TECHSPEC Hard Coated OD 4.0 5nm Bandpass Filters provide a blocking wavelength range of 200-1200nm and >85% minimum transmission. Hard Coated OD 4.0 Bandpass Filters are available in 12.5mm, 25mm, and 50mm diameter options.


TECHSPEC Hard Coated OD 4.0 5nm Bandpass Filters are manufactured with durable hard coatings to minimize filter degradation and increase transmission. With a variety of UV, VIS, and NIR laser lines available, these filters offer steep blocking and transmission slopes to achieve the highest performance in a wide variety of demanding applications. TECHSPEC Hard Coated OD 4.0 5nm Bandpass Filters are in-stock and available for immediate delivery.