Hi-Vac Corporation, manufacturers of Aquatech Combo Jet/Vac Units, introduces the Aquatech Jumbo Combo.
Like other products in the Aquatech family, the Jumbo Combo features a 5,250 CFM 27 in. Hg blower. It is ideally suited for large diameter pipe cleaning jobs that smaller water pumps and vacuum systems would not be able to complete effectively or efficiently. The water pump on the Jumbo Combo works at up to 150 GPM.
The Jumbo Combo also features boiler plate steel debris tanks that carry a lifetime warranty, poly graphite water tanks, and a horizontal transfer case drive that is simple, reliable, and powerful.
- Poly Graphite Water Tanks that carry a lifetime warranty
- Horizontal Transfer Case Drive that is simple, reliable, and powerful
- Up to 150 GPM water pump capacity
- Boiler plate steel debris tanks that also carry a lifetime warranty