LS3300 AC Power Calibrator

Sept. 25, 2017
Yokogawa Test & Measurement division offers an AC power supply that focuses on power meter calibration.

LS3300 is an AC power calibrator that accurately produces a wide range of AC power outputs for the calibration of power meters and other types of measuring instruments.


It can calibrate AC voltage, current, and power as well as test both phase difference and power factor. The LS3300 delivers a high accuracy of ±0.045% and stability of ±0.01% per hour.


It includes the ability to output currents of up to 62.5 A for extended periods of time. Three LS3300s can be synchronized to easily output currents of up to 180 A, enabling the calibration of instruments such as smart meters and shunt-resistor current sensors. Using the multiunit control features of the LS3300, it's possible to automatically set the voltage, current, power factor, phase, and other values on slave devices by updating those settings on the master unit.