TrilliumSeries Adiabatic Cooler

July 15, 2022
Baltimore Aircoil Company's TrilliumSeries Adiabatic Cooler design maximizes both water and energy efficiency.

For applications demanding a combination of energy efficiency and limited water use, the TrilliumSeries Adiabatic Cooler minimizes costs and is designed to make installation and ongoing maintenance simple. Unlike once-through systems, the cooler captures and reuses water and is optimized for adiabatic operation, a form of heat rejection that is more efficient than dry coolers and uses less water than evaporative cooling.


Part of the smart water management system, high-efficiency pre-cooler pads are developed with a unique anti-stick, anti-algae growth, and UV-resistant coating. Also, the dual pump recirculating system ensures code compliance with ASHRAE Standard189.1, which forbids the use of once-through systems and that water is re-used rather than sent directly to drain. The intelligent controls continuously optimize operation based on real-time weather and load conditions.


The cooler can operate at a high dry switch point and has up to a 20% smaller footprint compared to other adiabatic solutions. Controls are pre-programmed at the factory and have a full-color touchscreen that provides an intuitive user experience. Maintenance of the TrilliumSeries Cooler is easy with access to all components from the outside of the unit.

  • High dry switch point: Achieved through specialized design and water management
  • Up to 20% energy savings: Experienced when comparing to existing adiabatic cooling alternatives in the marketplace
  • Innovative water management system: Provided for maximum energy efficiency and minimum water use:
    • Adiabatic pads: High-efficiency pre-cooler pads, specially developed to deliver maximum heat rejection; unique protective coating is standard
    • Water management: Dual pump, recirculating system for code compliance, and water savings that don’t go down the drain
    • Intelligent controls: Standard controls continuously optimize water and energy efficiency; run it how you want with multiple pre-set modes of operation