3D Printer Adds "Infinite" Dimensions

Dec. 14, 2016

The Infinite-Build 3D Demonstrator is designed to address the requirements of aerospace, automotive and other industries for large, lightweight, thermoplastic parts with repeatable mechanical properties.


The Infinite-Build 3D Demonstrator features a revolutionary approach to FDM extrusion that increases throughput and repeatability. The system turns the traditional 3D printer concept on its side to realize an "infinite-build" approach, which prints on a vertical plane for practically unlimited part size in the build direction.


Aerospace giant Boeing played an influential role in defining the requirements and specifications for the demonstrator. Boeing is currently using an Infinite-Build 3D Demonstrator to explore the production of low-volume, lightweight parts.


Ford Motor Company is also exploring innovative automotive manufacturing applications for this demonstrator and will evaluate this new technology. Ford and Stratasys will work together to test and develop new applications for automotive-grade 3D printed materials that were not previously possible due to limited size, enabling and accelerating innovative automotive product design.