Hancock, MI: MikroScan 7400 thermal camera has mid-wave and long-wave imaging capabilities, doubling its potential uses to include applications ranging from furnaces to electrical cabinets and motors. Its three selectable temperature ranges include a high-temp range, from 400 to 1,600°C. Camera can also capture visual images with accompanying voice annotation. The uncooled microbolometer-based camera captures 14-bit thermal images and offers accuracy of ±2% of reading, with sensitivity of 0.06°C at 30°C. Mikron Infrared, Inc., (888)506-3900• Temperature Range - Range 1: -40°C to 120°C • Focus Range - 30 cm to in?nity • Sensitivity / NETD - 0.06°C @ 30°C • Camera Dimensions - 3.8” x 4.3” x 6.7”