Optics Withstand Space

April 11, 2018
Meller Optics' custom fabricated sapphire optics can withstand temperature extremes and fast moving particles.

Sapphire Optics include custom fabricated lenses, detector windows, and domes that are chemically inert, impervious to water, fast moving dirt and sand, and can withstand temps. to 1,000°C and pressures to 10,000 psi. Offered in 3/8 to 4-in. dia. sizes and various wall thicknesses with ±0.001 in. tolerance, they feature Mohs 9 hardness which is second only to diamond.


Selected by NASA for use on the Kepler Space Telescope, Meller Sapphire Optics exhibit up to 85% transmission from the UV to IR and include A/R coatings for enhancing transmission to > 99%.  Surface finishes from 60-40 to 40-20 scratch-dig, flatness held to 0.5 fringes of HeNe, and parallelism from 20 to 2 arc/secs. can be provided, depending upon configuration.