New TURBO™ System for 150 cpm Sortation

Oct. 11, 2006
Spring Lake, Michigan —TGW-ERMANCO is introducing a new narrow belt sortation system that sorts 150 cartons per minute. The TURBO Sortation System utilizes innovative WAVE™ technology (patent pending) and TGW-ERMANCO COMMANDER™ controls to provide throughput which previously required sliding shoe sorters. The controls and technologies which make up the TURBO System work together to provide optimum performance and the best value in 100-180 cpm sortation. TURBO System features include:
  • WAVE™ Diverter - uses innovative WAVE technology to divert at high rates
  • TURBO Induction - manages gap rapidly with each belt powered by its own VFD
  • WAVE Aligner - positions cartons for "two-way" diverting while maintaining gap and rate
  • COMMANDER™ Controls - operate the TURBO System with ideal efficiency and precision

The TURBO Sortation System controlled by the COMMANDER will be operating in TGW-ERMANCO'S Booth 3213 at ProMat 2007.

• Throughput rate: 200 cpm • Maximum speed: 425 fpm