Designed to simplify and optimize repetitive operational tasks, the Mouse and Mole Automated Guided Carts (AGCs) are intelligently engineered to deliver repeatable and dependable results that reduce downtime and maximize productivity.

Ideal for assembly lines, manufacturing plants, distribution centers, warehouses or any environment reliant on predictable, on-time delivery and pickup of materials, the Mouse and Mole AGCs are available in six models with capacities of up to 4,400 lb. Both automated carts operate using wireless connectivity and state-of-the-art navigation technology keeps the AGCs on task. High-strength magnetic tape guidance provides simple, quick installation while minimizing the likelihood of interference from magnetic fields. Laser obstacle scanners with 15 programmable views and unique RFID markers help ensure reliable performance for minimal downtime and disruption.

Toyota’s Mouse and Mole AGCs also feature an onboard touchscreen display with direct programming capabilities, automatic dock and battery charge option, and a low-profile design for optimal space utility. Both products are backed by Toyota 360 support, with guaranteed 4-hour emergency response times and an industry-leading 2-year parts warranty.

  • Up to 4,400 lb. tow capacity
  • Laser Obstacle Scanner(s)
  • Wireless Connectivity
  • Automatic Battery Charging Option
  • Magnetic Tape Guidance
  • Multiple Routes on Demand
  • Up to 9,999 Unique Marker Identifiers
  • Brushless DC Motors
  • Actuated Tow Pin with Spring
  • On-Board Touchscreen Display (Mouse models only)