New And Improved Mate Pilot™ For Aligning And Verifying CNC Punch Press Turret Precision

Oct. 24, 2006
Mate Precision Tooling announced introduction of a new and improved model of its Pilot™ Tool Calibration System. Designed to verify and restore the angular and concentric alignment of punching stations of most popular thick turret punch presses, including those with eccentric turrets, this system is highly accurate and easy to use. With the newly designed Mate Pilot, users of thick turret presses can verify and align upper and lower tool holders to maintain top performance while safeguarding tooling and eliminating scrapped parts because of turret alignment problems. The new Mate Pilot system with interlocking design and tri-color LED indicator lights is available for 1-1/4 inch B, 2 inch C, 3-1/2 inch D and 4-1/2 inch E stations. The alignment tools for 1/2 inch A stations and Finn-Power Multi-Tool stations use a twin dowel pin design. The Mate Pilot system is also available in two packages to suit thick turret and Finn-Power punch presses. Concentric And Angular Tool Component Alignment Assured The newly designed Mate Pilot consists of a matched set of upper and lower turret interlocking components with a new spring loaded lock pawl mechanism. This mechanism keeps the two halves of the assembly apart until the station to be aligned is rotated into the punching position. The system operates in two modes: Verification mode – confirms the precise concentric and angular alignment of the punch press turret to maintain high quality piece part production and maximum tool life; Alignment mode – restores the concentric and angular alignment of each station with the same precision as the initial machine installation. System Is Easy And Fast To Use Simply install the two halves of the calibration instrument into the press turret station to be aligned. Then rotate the turret to position the station to be aligned under the machine’s ram. Tighten the integral adjustment handle, which draws the two halves of the calibration instrument together. As this engagement occurs, the interlocking design of the interface causes the loosened die holder assembly to draw precisely together into concentric and angular alignment relative to the upper bore of the turret. During this process, tri-color indicator lights on the top of the instrument signal alignment. When the indicator shows: Red – system is not yet aligned; Yellow – system is aligned angularly and concentrically within 0.012 inch (0.030 mm). Adequate for most punching applications; Green – system is aligned angularly and concentrically within 0.0003 inch (0.008 mm). Recommended when punching materials are 0.048 inch (1.20 mm) thickness or less.