Trane Connected Mechanical Service Agreements

Nov. 28, 2023

2023 NED Innovation Award Finalist

Trane Connected Mechanical Service Agreements connect customers to systems and solutions that support their decarbonization goals. The ideal supplement to traditional service agreements, Connected Mechanical Service Agreements leverage data collection, analytics, and remote service to anticipate and help diagnose potential issues before they impact equipment performance and operating costs.


With a Connected Mechanical Service Agreement in place, facility managers, building owners, and technicians receive more visibility into how a building's HVAC assets are performing against original design parameters all the time, not just based on quarterly building expectations. This equates to 6,567 more hours of monitoring and data gathering per year.


Whether preparing for Spring start-up, a run/annual inspection, oil analysis, or Fall shutdown, technicians can help make onsite inspections more productive and efficient by first doing remote checks to prepare. They also have the choice to replace select in-person inspections with remote ones.

  • Remote diagnostics and remediation to limit unnecessary onsite visits and ad hoc service call costs
  • Chiller Performance Reports managers can action to increase comfort and reduce occupant complaints
  • More frequent and consistent check-ins and increased service touchpoints that maximize asset lifespan
  • Faster diagnosis and response to system errors preventing system downtime and unplanned repairs
  • Proactive detection of excessive energy use, refrigerant leaks, and other potential eco-hazards
  • Daily visibility into system operations with continuous data collection between in-person visits, driving better, real-time decisions and operational efficiencies