CAM Series Compressed Air Flowmeters

Dec. 23, 2006 introduces CAM Series compressed air flowmeters for monitoring and managing compressed air and/or nitrogen usage in industrial facilities.The new CAM Series flowmeters use thermal-dispersion mass-flow technology for localized measurement of air usage and detection of low air flows and air system leaks. The meters’ reliability and accuracy make them efficient tools for maintaining optimum air efficiency, locating leaks and controlling plant energy costs.CAM Series compressed air flowmeters from are easy to install. The meter clamps onto a vertical or horizontal pipe, with two flow-sensing probes projecting into the pipe through 3/16-inch drilled holes. The meter seals directly to the pipe without cutting or welding. Each meter is manufactured and calibrated for a specific pipe size. The meter’s digital display indicates flow directly without setup or adjustment.Meters in the CAM Series measure compressed air or nitrogen flow by maintaining one probe warmer than the other. The meter calculates the mass velocity from the amount of heat required and then calculates the flow on the basis of pipe area. The flow rate is shown in standard cubic feet per minute (scfm) on a large four-digit LED display.CAM Series compressed air flowmeters have 4-20 mA (milliamp) outputs and optional pulse outputs for remote monitoring and display, totalizing and data collection/logging. The meters have a 100:1 turndown capability for sensing leakage. provides the complete meter, including power supply, in one cost-effective package.Products in the CAM Series include flowmeters for steel and copper pipe and a summing remote display of flowmeter output. The display unit provides a convenient way to monitor air usage by a machine, process or department or to show readings of a meter in a high or inconspicuous location. Display modes available include daily or cumulative usage in million standard cubic feet (mscf) in addition to rate in scfm.