KALCRET hard compound provides cement-bonded wear protection for system components and pipes. KALCRET features a reduced mixing time of approximately 5 minutes, is easier to handle, offers a faster installation time, and can be easily applied overhead.


KALCRET is made up of hard aggregate material, cement binder, and micro and nano-silica. The hard aggregate provides high-quality wear protection, while the micro and nano-silica fill the pores between the cement portions. KALCRET reaches high strength and wear resistance after 8 hours.


Suitable for temperatures up to 1,200°C/2,192°F, KALCRET handles a broad range of abrasive products, including coal, cement, ore, sand, and other hard, granular materials. KALCRET is available as a trowelled, cast or sprayed-on compound to provide a continuous lining for system components with horizontal, vertical, inclined, curved, flat, and large surfaces. KALCRET is also available in prefabricated shaped elements and equipped with threaded studs or weld clips.

  • Wear protection for application by trowel, pouring or spraying
  • The lining of large surfaces without joints
  • The easy lining of geometrically difficult surfaces
  • Variable layer thickness
  • Operational temperature max. 1,200°C
  • Operational for full loading after only 24 hours
  • Easily combinable with all other materials
  • Repairs can be carried out easily