Feb. 14, 2008
Dust collectors designed and manufactured by automatedtrim and waste handling system manufacturer Precision AirConvey(PAC), Newark, Del. (www.precisionairconvey.com) feature alow-maintenance, safety-first design that places all serviceablecomponents on the outside of the casing to permit inspections, partreplacement and other maintenance to be performed without requiringhuman entry inside the unit. By eliminating the need for workers toenter the dust collector at the equipment design stage, the PAC SonicJet Dust Collectors safeguard workers from exposure to potentiallyharmful situations while eliminating concern for compliance withOSHA's 29 CFR 1910.146 regulating permit-required confined spaceentry. In addition, while traditional baghouse collectors oftenrequire workers to climb inside the unit for filter inspection andreplacement, the PAC Sonic Jet Dust Collectors include a frontloading filter cartridge array that enables filter inspection andreplacement to be performed by one person from outside the unit withno tools by simply sliding the cartridge in and out like a file drawer.The PAC Sonic Jet Dust Collector line encompasses seven differentunits ranging in capacity from 12 to 64 filters. The dust collectorsshare a breakthrough, modular design that permits the capacity to bequickly expanded or reduced to accommodate changing processing demands.