TYPE IVE Mechanical Isolation Valve Prevents Fires

Feb. 21, 2008
Explosion vents from BS&B Safety Systems guard against the passage of hot particles, glowing embers, and flames.

TYPE IVE Mechanical Isolation Valve guards against the passage of hot particles, glowing embers, and flames through interconnecting piping that may ignite a deflagration or a fire from one vessel to the next. 


In process systems, there are situations where deflagration can spread from the initiating site to connected machinery through interconnected piping. In some applications, it may be feasible and desirable to detect, isolate, and quench prior to ignition. In both situations, a fast-response explosion isolation valve offers the best means to accomplish the tasks.


The valve remains open until receiving a signal from either a pressure responder and/or an optical sensor that detects hot particles, embers, and flames. The valve responds quickly by closing in milliseconds. This quick reaction prevents the passage of hot particles, embers, flames or pressure from continuing to flow through the pipeline.


The medium for actuation is compressed air stored in a tank at the valve to ensure the fastest response possible under any plant conditions. The Type IVE Valve requires little vendor support and has negligible mass and therefore, does not impart shock to the valve, the seats or the piping upon closure. The valve has a wear indicator in the bladder; if the bladder is exposed to abnormal wear, the Liner Wear Alert will activate a message on its controller. The bladder is replaceable with the valve body opening in a clamshell fashion.


The Type IVE Valve is available in sizes from 4 to 16 in. nominal diameter (100 to 400 mm).

Normal Size Low-Pressure Isolation Valve  High-Pressure Isolation Valve 
4 in. (100 mm)57 lb. (26 kg)150 lb. (69 kg)
6 in. (150 mm)96 lb. (44 kg)195 lb. (89 kg)
8 in. (200 mm)151 lb. (69 kg)305 lb. (140 kg)
10 in. (250 mm) 297 lb. (136 kg)415 lb. (190 kg)