MES for Single-Part Manufacturing

March 23, 2018
Tebis' MES system will automatically resupply standard tools.

ProLeiS (MES) enables effective control of all individual parts for dies and injection molds - from quotation to the finished product. Project managers can quickly and easily check during pre-planning to determine whether proposed projects can be processed and required delivery dates met. They also have a clear understanding of all processes. This is provided by overviews of milestones, degree of completion of dies, and resource assignment. 


Once planners, project schedulers and those responsible for manufacturing create more detailed project plans, ProLeiS offers fast and convenient tools to organize and control capacity. All manufacturing steps for the individual parts are defined and scheduled using standardized planning templates. Once planning is complete, a supply of orders is provided for each resource - employee or machine - for processing in the specified sequence.


Purchasing agents will find the system beneficial with the ability to order the material and outsource in ProLeiS and integrate the suppliers in data management via the vendor interface. All parts are ready on time at the machine and in the assembly area before manufacturing starts. 


Employees in design, manufacturing and programming can use ProLeiS to manage all data and approvals. Approved orders automatically appear in the order supply for the subsequent instance. The system’s flexibility enables changes such as rush orders or modifications to be included at any time. 


Tebis has developed a concept for implementing ProLeiS that provides a quick start of the system. Experts from Tebis Consulting analyze the company’s processes and model its resources and processes in the ProLeiS and Tebis client/server environment. Manufacturing planning and control as well as data management are generated in company-specific steps. All project participants can now work quickly and effectively with the apps assigned to them for their respective user roles. The apps can be used on mobile devices to access data and evaluations—or via the Internet.