Tebis America

Troy, MI 48083


About Tebis America


400 E Big Beaver Rd
Troy, MI 48083
United States of America
(248) 5240430

More Info on Tebis America

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Tebis America, part of Tebis AG, Munich, Germany, develops CAD/CAM systems for tool, die and mold manufacturing, primarily for automobile and aircraft manufacturers and their subcontractors from the styling, model making, tool and mold manufacturing sectors. The company supplies turnkey installations and also provides a full suite of 40 software modules focusing on increasing its customers’ ability to reach higher profits through consulting implementing of new technology, training and support.

All content from Tebis America

830 350
Software & Computers

MES for Single-Part Manufacturing

March 23, 2018
Tebis' MES system will automatically resupply standard tools.
830 350
Software & Computers

Software Update Offers Better Detection

Aug. 8, 2017
Tebis America releases its fourth version of the Tebis 4.0 software.
830 350
Software & Computers

CAD/CAM Software Delivers More Flexibility, Cost Efficiency

Nov. 14, 2016
Version 4.0 Release 3 software's added functions allow users more flexibility and cost efficiency in design, manufacturing preparation and processing time.
830 350

TEBIS Version 4.0

Aug. 9, 2016
With Version 4.0 and its latest release, Tebis America has redesigned the user interface for optimal production processes in model, mold and die manufacturing, The new release...
830 350
Industrial & Engineering

New-Look, Scalable Manufacturing Software

Jan. 15, 2016
Version 4.0 provides complete software solutions for various levels of manufacturing. Scalable levels create an exact fit for a user’s CAD/CAM/NC process chain. Companies that...