Backstand Grinder

Sept. 26, 2016
First designed as a custom grinder to meet a specific customer need, Model BG142 backstand belt grinder now has been added to the company’s growing line of...

First designed as a custom grinder to meet a specific customer need, Model BG142 backstand belt grinder now has been added to the company’s growing line of standard grinders. It offers multi-position contact from vertical to horizontal and full work movement from left to right.


The grinder performs aggressive grinding and beveling with the platen in place. Remove the platen and the narrow belt allows slack belt grinding and finishing of tight inside radii parts.

Features include:

  • 1 x 42-in. grinding belt
  • 6 x 2-in. serrated 70 duro contact wheel
  • removable platen and 1-3/4 x H 4-in. H worktable
  • 1/2-hp 1Ph 110-v TEFC motor delivering 5,400-sfpm surface speed