Cloud-Based Packaging Productivity Suite

June 13, 2018
Videojet's packaging suite reviews performance data over multiple packaging lines.

VideojetConnect Packaging Line Visibility and Productivity Suite is a SaaS production efficiency tool for use with its coders at the factory level.


With minimized investment and simple set-up, the innovative VideojetConnect suite allows manufacturers to leverage equipment they already have to gain visibility into their packaging line operations to maximize productivity and pinpoint opportunities for reducing operating costs.


The suite provides value-added functionality to connected Videojet coders. For ease of integration and use, this robust tool doesn’t require additional equipment, complicated installation, set-up procedures or ongoing maintenance.


Designed to harness the data inherent in production, the suite tracks finished goods, packaging line production rates, and line stops and other valuable operations data. Enabled Videojet coders can collect this day-to-day data from across multiple packaging lines, providing an easier way to gather actionable data from the larger packaging operation, far beyond just the printer.


Gathered packaging line production data is sent to the cloud and is turned into robust real-time reporting that helps users to see if immediate adjustments in production are required to meet targets, and identifies underperforming areas and opportunities for improvement. Other data is captured such as OEE and efficiency numbers (by line, production run and shift) as well as downtime Paretos.


Reporting is based on user needs and preferences, allowing users to prioritize and analyze data as they see fit.  Intuitive and user-friendly dashboards and reports are easily accessible on most mobile and stationary Internet-enabled electronic devices. Remote service functionality also comes standard with the VideojetConnect suite and provides remote alerts with real-time notification of printer needs, printer-specific performance reporting and related remote recovery assistance.


Startup for the VideojetConnect suite is quick and self-configurable with intuitive visual prompts. With the help of onscreen check lists, in-application support and VideojetConnect phone support when needed, users simply add their baseline data including designating coders on their packaging lines, production targets and schedules, and downtime codes.


Offered as a yearly subscription, VideojetConnect is a more economical and practical solution compared to error-prone manual data collection or full-blown SCADA systems where such complexity isn’t warranted or is cost prohibitive.

Minimized investment and simple set-up

  • Offered as a cloud-based SaaS (Software as a Service) on a factory-level basis
  • Available as a yearly subscription with low monthly payments
  • No installation or going maintenance required
  • Simple self-configuration to get up and running


Identify areas for improvement

  • Review performance data over multiple packaging lines
  • Track metrics over time to spot lines that are underperforming
  • Deep dive into details related to dips in productivity


Manage Your daily production

  • At-a-glance understanding of whether your packaging lines are on track to meet your production targets
  • Provides visibility to projected shortfalls allowing for quicker adjustments


Engage your workforce

  • Places easy-to-use efficiency tools in the hands of front-line operators
  • Helps users to achieve daily goals and lead the charge for continuous improvement charge