Door and Dock Safety Catalog

May 13, 2017
Industrial and Commercial Doors and Dock Safety Products focus of new, 32-page full-color catalog from TMI.

Industrial and Commercial Doors and Dock Safety catalog offers 32 full-color pages covering PVC strip doors, swinging doors, roll-up doors, and air doors, as well as dock bumpers, wheel chocks, trailer stands, machine guards, bollards, posts and dock lighting.


TMI is a leading manufacturer of industrial and commercial PVC strip, flexible PVC impact and vinyl roll-up doors commonly used in warehouses, distribution centers and manufacturing facilities. To meet customer demand for complimentary products that could be also sourced through their preferred vendor, TMI became a master distributor for a range of high-quality door and dock safety products.


Every product in the new catalog is backed by over 30 years of expertise in designing doors systems and working with customers to find the right solution for their needs. From security gates to portable bug screens, TMI has the products and the experience to ensure a trouble-free installation.

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