Comprehensive Catalog and Sampling Guide

Dec. 16, 2010

The 2011 SKC Comprehensive Catalog and Sampling Guide ? The Essential Source for Sampling Instruments and Media ? is a 224-page full-color guide to SKC’s complete line of occupational health and safety, IAQ, and environmental sampling products including sample pumps, collection media, bioaerosol samplers, particle size-selective samplers, passive samplers, and instruments.

New items in 2011 include the compact, lightweight Take Charge 5 Battery Charger for simultaneous charging of up to 5 Li-Ion AirChek XR5000 and/or Leland Legacy pump batteries, the Kynar Sample Bag with low VOC and sulfur background, and the 8 L/min Respirable Parallel Particle Impactor (PPI) with enhanced sensitivity for new silica TLV.

The SKC Sampling Guide, included in the catalog, contains NIOSH, OSHA, EPA, and ASTM International air sampling standards all in one easy-to-use guide. Updated by SKC’s Certified Industrial Hygienist and technical staff, the Guide cross-references over 2500 chemical compounds and identifies sampling parameters, analytical methods, and collection equipment for each chemical of interest. The SKC Sampling Guide makes media selection for specific air sampling applications quick and easy.

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