NOx Scrubbing Solution Simplifies Wet Scrubbing

March 21, 2018
Bionomic's scrubbing solution effectively reduces nitrogen dioxide emissions in wet scrubber systems.

BIONOxSOLVER is nonhazardous NOx control chemistry that effectively reduces nitrogen dioxide emissions in wet scrubber systems. This special proprietary formulation of powerful nitrogen dioxide reducing agents is designed to remove the unsightly and highly visible orange brown emission at the discharge point to enable compliance with air regulations.


BIONOxSOLVER is nonhazardous and safe to handle and does not produce dangerous, toxic and extremely odorous hydrogen sulfide gas at lower pH use conditions, a common problem with conventional sulfide scrubbing reagents. Compared to using hydrogen peroxide, BIONOxSOLVER offers higher removal efficiency and allows ORP instrument control feed based on demand resulting in lower chemical costs.


  • Titanium and stainless steel pickling operations
  • Continuous strand superconductivity copper wire etching line
  • Aluminum bright dip solutions
  • Precious metals dissolving with aqua regia
  • Catalyst calcining operations
  • Surgical implant material etching
  • Nanometals powder surface treatment
  • Nitration of pharmaceutical preparations
  • Semiconductor silicon wafer etching