edgeAggregator OPC UA Aggregation Server

Aug. 26, 2022
edgeAggregator from Softing is a flexible, container-based solution for managing complex system architectures in OT/IT integration.

With MQTT connection, the edgeAggregator offers a flexible, container-based solution for managing complex system architectures in OT/IT integration all the way to edge and cloud applications. It provides a central data integration layer that reduces complexity while addressing the large number of variables and managing access rights and special security requirements.


The solution has three key functions. As an OPC UA aggregation server, it handles the aggregation of up to 100 OPC UA servers and supports up to 25 OPC UA server endpoints. As an IoT cloud gateway, it handles bidirectional data transmission with cloud applications via MQTT Publishes/Subscriber functionality. As Security Supervisor, it is responsible for the central management of the security parameters and acts as an “OPC UA Firewall” for protection against attacks.


As a Docker container, edgeAggregator can be easily configured and deployed as an edge solution or with central cloud platforms. The interface abstraction of edgeAggregator allows continuous adaptation and scaling of IoT solutions based on OPC UA and MQTT throughout the entire lifecycle.

  • Maximum security through vertical IT/OT integration on a standard basis (OPC UA and MQTT)
  • Data aggregation and interface abstraction for efficient and flexible IoT solutions
  • Deployment via Docker management systems, e.g. Azure IoT Edge or Kubernetes
  • Fully integratable in edge architectures as well as in cloud applications