4D InSpec Surface Gauge

Oct. 12, 2016
Non-contact InSpec Surface Gauge measures precision machined surface defects and features with micrometer level resolution.

The 4D InSpec surface gauge is a handheld, precision instrument for non-contact surface defect measurement. With micrometer-level (<2 thou) resolution, portability, affordability, and ease of use, 4D InSpec puts high-resolution 3D surface measurement where it’s needed: on the factory floor, in machine shops, and in field service applications.


Even with this surface gauge being precise and capable of extensive analysis, it’s incredibly easy to use. Non-experts can take measurements with ease after just minutes of training. 4D InSpec instantly quantifies defects such as pits, scratches, nicks, dents, and bumps. It measures features such as edge break, radii, rivet depth, and dot peen depth, from 0.1 mils (2.5 µm) to 100 mils (2,540 µm) deep.

  • Field of view (standard): 0.3 x 0.3 in. (8 x 8 mm)
  • Vertical resolution: 0.0002 in. (4 µm)
  • Depth of focus: > 0.1 in. (2.5 mm)
  • Corrosion Pitting 
  • Edge Break 
  • Rivets 
  • Other Defects
  • Pass/Fail flagging
  • Feature analysis
  • Set pass/fail spec
  • Flags in- or out-of-spec
  • Measurement database
  • Save critical parameters to database
  • Save every measurement
  • See trends
  • Retain history
  • Optional edge break
  • Measure chamfer rounding and radius of curvature
  • Independent of skew and tilt
  • Repeatable and accurate
  • One second to measure