Stronger, Larger, Lighter 3D Printers

Aug. 17, 2017
Markforged has made two additions to its industrial printer line with the X3 and X5 printers.

An addition to the company’s Industrial Series, the X3 and X5 printers introduce price points that enable customers to print stronger, larger, and lighter parts.


Local manufacturers are often at a disadvantage because they are forced to choose between the sub-par strength of printed parts and long lead times associated with machined parts. With the arrival of the X3 and X5 printers, industrial strength printing is financially attainable for every manufacturing business, allowing them to better compete on a global stage.


The X3 is powered by the incredible material strength and stiffness of Onyx, a high temperature capable carbon fiber filled nylon. The X3 strictly prints engineering grade thermoplastic fiber parts.


The X5 adds the ability to reinforce an Onyx part with a strand of continuous fiberglass, making it 19X stronger and 10X stiffer than traditional plastics.  


All Markforged printers share a single software ecosystem built on a next generation, cloud-based platform designed from the ground up to protect intellectual property. 

  • Build Volume: 330 mm x 270 mm x 200 mm
  • Footprint: 584 mm x 483 mm x 914 mm
  • Media Cartridge: Plastic Composite Filament / Continuous Composite Filament
  • Z Layer Resolution: 50 ?m
  • Machine Weight: 68 kg (150 lb.)