Roughness Measurement System

Sept. 19, 2016
Called the MicroProfiler MP 900, this automatic inline roughness measurement system enables accurate in-production measurement from a fast-moving surface of...

Called the MicroProfiler MP 900, this automatic inline roughness measurement system enables accurate in-production measurement from a fast-moving surface of any type and color. It scans and analyzes a product's actual surface profile at the rate of 512,000 points per sec. Maximum line speed is 500 fpm and products wdith diameter of 0.04 in. to flat can be measured. Minimum reported Ra is (8 µin.) and other standard roughness parametersm, such a Rz, can also be calculated. Roughness of the product is displayed in real-time and operators are automatically alerted for abnormal process changes enabling instant corrective actions. All roughness results from the entire length of each produced reel are stored in the system's database for quality certification and product reporting purposes.

Applications include:

  • wire
  • cable
  • filament extrusion