TVM Series 6-Axis Robots

May 12, 2017
TVM 6-axis line adds longer arm length, higher inertia, and increased load mass for greater functionality.

TVM line of 6-axis robots are compatible with other Toshiba Machine products, including injection molding machines and machine tools, and are a great fit for companies that have significant material handling and general machine tending needs. The cost-effective TVM model is a vertically articulated robot series aimed at a multitude of industries, such as automotive components, plastics, medical, packaging, and pharmaceutical, due to its high productivity in transfer and assembly and lightweight, reliable design.


Combined with Toshiba Machine's robot vision recognition package, TSVision3D, TVM also supports easy implementation of bin-picking automation. With such convenience, no CAD data is necessary for model registration. Instead, the introduction of an automated system is supported with an easy calibration procedure.

  • TVM900/TSL3200E: Reach 1,124 mm, Payload 20 kg
  • TVM1200/TSL3200E: Reach 1,418 mm, Payload 15 kg
  • TVM1500/TSL3200E: Reach 1,715 mm, Payload 10 kg