Platinum Clad Mesh Anodes

Sept. 19, 2012

A line of platinum mesh anodes for OEMs and end-users of electrochemical and metal finishing equipment that are clad rather than plated for optimum performance is now available. Anomet Platinum Clad Mesh Anodes incorporate a complete metallurgical bond between the platinum and niobium substrate which is then woven to eliminate unplatinized edges.  Featuring an active surface area of 1.25 in2/in2, these mesh anodes offer a more uniform current distribution, with lower operating current densities, and provide a longer life than plated mesh anodes. 

Produced by weaving 0.020” dia. platinum clad niobium wire in a 10 x 10 mesh pattern which is 10 wires per inch in both directions, Anomet Platinum Clad Mesh Anodes are available in virtually any size up to 24” wide on rolls or cut to size, and framed.  The standard platinum thickness is 100 microinches. Anomet Platinum Clad Mesh Anodes are priced according to configuration and quantity.  Price quotations and free samples are available upon request.

  • clad rather than plated
  • uniform current distribution
  • lower operating current densities